G Man Falsely Accuses Me Of Claiming That Kent Hovind Is A Pedo

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1 год 17 Просмотр (ов)

In the recent GodTVRadio Livestream that he was on, Apologist Justin Derby was falsely accused by G Man of claiming that Kent Hovind was a pedo. Justin responds by showing all the different parts of his Kent Hovind expose where he explicitly called Kent Hovind a pedo enabler.

Did Kent Hovind Break Law? | Mary Tocco, Mark Stoney, Chris Jones, Cindi Lincoln | Brett Keane: https://youtu.be/vn_zUSawDxg

Kent Hovind Is A Pedo Enabler Covering For Chris Jones, Who Slept With A Minor At DAL: https://corder.tv/v/25

Corder GiveSendGo: https://givesendgo.com/corderfundraiser

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If you want to buy “Another Inconvenient Truth 2: Defending Young Earth Creationism”, you can go to: https://www.amazon.com/Another-Inconvenient-Truth-Defending-Creationism/dp/0986243027/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1& ;amp;qid=1620289306&refinements=p_27%3AJustin+Derby&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Justin+Derby

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